Dermalux LED skin treatment

A one your treatment of your facial skin using our therapists' in-depth product knowledge and the award winning Dermalux light.

Can be used to help the following conditions:
* Acne - mild to severe
* Psoriasis of the head and face, including in the hair
* Pigmentation - multiple treatments needed
* General rejuvenation
* Redness including rosacea
* Inflammatory conditions with aggravated dry itchy skin
* Wound healing including fresh scars, open wound, red scars and general skin trauma

Skin is cleansed, toned, exfoliated if needed, massaged, masked, 30mins of Dermalux therapy and moisturised with appropriate moisturiser and SPF.

Dermalux spot treatment

This is a 40min appointment where the Dermalux light is placed over an area of concern and 30mins of light therapy will start to work its magic. Perfect for people who have a specific concern. Can be used on the face or any part of the body. Concerns could be psoriasis, pain, SAD, acne (mild to severe), ​rosacea, redness, pigmentation, scar tissue, wounds that need healing. If you're unsure please call or message the salon. If you require treatment on your face please arrive with no makeup as this treatment does not allow for time to remove it. For body parts (i.e. back, stomach, legs and arms) please make sure the area is clean and free from deodorant, creams and tight clothing.

Dermalux add on (20 mins)

Book this as a great add on to any facial treatment. This will energise cells and give a brighter, clearer complexion, whilst calming redness and helping your skin to repair naturally. Great for acne, eczema, ​rosacea, wound healing, psoriasis and inflamation.

Dermalux super charged back massage

The ultimate in back treatments. You can choose from pain relief or acne treatment. Just let us know your concerns. Your back is washed, exfoliated and massaged. The Dermalux light is placed over the area of concern whilst the rest of the back is treated to a wonderful massage helping to break up tension. Once it's finished the back is washed again and an appropriate moisturiser is applied. perfect for those suffering with acne or acne scaring on the back, or people with muscular pain (shoulders mainly) you get 45mins of treatment with 30mins of light therapy.